First we stopped off to look at some flowers and patio furniture at Flora Grubb Gardens, a gorgeous nursery/pottery/outdoor furniture oasis in the middle of the ghetto. Like people selling dodgy pies on the corner ghetto. Combination laundromat and car wash ghetto. Anyway, I digress. Flora Grubb seems to be the place to stock up, none other than Martha Stewart made an appearance last month (apparently her people called ahead of time to warn she'd be there) and everybody's favorite scoundrel President-Bill Clinton was there earlier in the week! Sadly mom and I missed them both, but at least mom can take comfort in knowing her taste in patio furniture is in good company.
This was the most interesting part of the nursery to me:
This awesome old car (possibly a Ford Edsel?) converted into a massive planter box!
Now of course I'd rather see it up and running, but I guess not being in a dumpster is a plus.
^That's me and my always stylish Mom!^
After Flora Grubb, we did some shopping at The Gift Center (a bunch of little indoor shops selling jewelry), nothing vintage-y to see there aside from this leftover sign painted on the side of an unrelated building (no idea what it used to be!) down the same street (Brennan).
Our next stop was The Cliff House for an early bird dinner! A couple of nifty sights along the way:
Now abandoned cinema but the building still stands and some New York looking apartments
Mel's Drive-In! (Holy fog Batman)
The parking lot for The Cliff House is directly across from the once happening Sutro Baths:

Sadly today as you peer over the side of the cliff this is all you'll see:
Aaaand after a little windy walk uphill and a quick photo-op stop...
We'd arrived!
Inside did not disappoint either, it splits into two restaurants, one more traditional and the other some fru-fru place charging God-knows-what for about two tablespoons of food. Luckily we ate in the older restaurant, the "Cliff House Dining Room":
There were gorgeous details everywhere-
From beautiful woodwork above the bar, to fab tile patterns on the floor!
Our table had some fantastic views as well:
After and delicious portion of Fish and Chips, we headed on our way, but not before a quick photo with a cowboy that once resided in Playland !
Alright, and now for the major highlight of the day, I got to see where Marilyn Monroe got married!! San Francisco City Hall! And holy moly what a stunning building it is!
Marilyn and Joe leaving just after being married there on January 14, 1954:
Another of the couple on their happy day!
I hope to see the inside someday!
I love that you got to put Martha Stewart, Marilyn Monroe, Sutro Baths and Bill Clinton all in the same post! Your pictures are divine.
ReplyDeleteI know, who would have thought! ;) Thank you!!